Wednesday, May 4, 2011

British actors doing bad 1930s New York accents

1) I'm watching the Doctor Who episode, "Daleks in Manhattan." They're overdoing it with the New York accents. It's like they watched every 1930s movie serial and let er rip. Though, this must be what it's like for them to watch American actors do bad British accents.

2) A friend suggested that the divorce rate is so high today because we care less about marriage. There is more to it than that. There's a birth control--fewer accidental pregancies, and thus less pressure to marry. Then we don't have arranged marriages or anything, relatives getting into involved the union.

3) The Dalek character designs haven't aged well. They look like R2-D2's evil cousins.

4) Five Guys Burgers is overrated. Soggy.

5) "It's not human, I know that."

6) Embarassing typo. I once wrote "cock" instead of "cork."

7) The tops of Starbucks cups leak.

8) It's better to expose a receeding hairline than comb over it. Combovers are pretty sad.

9) The Bible is a surprisingly good read. The story parts, anyway. The lists, the diagrams, geneologies, are tedious. The funniest part to imagine was when the ark of the convenant was stolen. I imagined it with bugged out eyes while it was carried out.

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