Wednesday, May 4, 2011


1) Looking forward to Thor and Captain America. Sort of. None of the clips or trailers have blown me away. But the lead parts are well cast. The key to happiness is low expectations.

2) Coffee. Some milk. Two sugars or some honey.

3) Fleece blankets are smooth. They are butter. They are almost shaven legs. (Buy one. Comforters are overrated).

4) One friend of mine conceptualizes race like a white man from 1933.

5) All of Serena William's dresses are distracting.

6) Prof. James Shapiro at Columbia University. This man is insane. Personality-wise, he's a toned-down version of Harlan Ellison. Take his class if you have the chance.

7) I write too many adverbs, adjectives, and "to be" verbs. And cliches are worse.

8) Proscrastination is fine if you remain productive.

9) Work work work work work work work work work work makes Jack a dull boy.

10) To be or not to be. Servering the banana from the orange. I iron the fleece. I sew the shirt. I read the play. I skim the surface. She picks the pickle. He shaves the leg. "Once more into the breech." Stop the play. End the film. Cut the line. Replace the contact lens. Tear the electric cord. Pick up the laundry. Pick the nose. Write the poem. Write the play. Revise the essay. Tweak the language. Name the baby. Hide the computer. Hide the password. Type the letter. Create the world. Shape the world. Mold the clay. Clean the sheets. The devil prefers checkers over chess. Simple rules win the day. The clothes need ironing. Freshening up. Spray tea tree oil on the cut.

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